life is a party …. And I feel like the only introvert hanging in the back of the room in some corner ;

holding a glass of water in my hands and wondering if there is a limit to the intake of water in one’s body.

it’s the feeling of being inside an excitedly beating heart and realising that your own beating has died down somehow.

it’s the feeling of not being able to reciprocate the same love, merriment and hope back.

it’s the feeling of handful of sand slipping from your first.

it’s simply the feeling of being the odd one out.

the fun part?

life is indeed a party.

but make it your own.

host your own party whether it be of hundred people or just one .

but make it your own.

there is nothing in this world as beautiful as being yourself.

so dear introvert, make sure your heart beats just a little faster when you think of the party that you host everyday of your life .

dear breathing human, be where your feet are.

the party won’t end till midnight.


i should say till the darkness of the year has fallen and a helpful ray of hand touches your warm skin.

until then the party continues to be.

you are invited .

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